
and their bulbs Learn more about and their bulbs

  • Are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? Can you still plant after flowering?

    Are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? Can you still plant after flowering?

    Narcissus is one of the top ten famous flowers in our country, which is commonly known as Lingbo fairy. Every New year, people like to clear the supply of daffodils, embellished as New year flowers. So are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? Can you still plant after flowering? Are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous?

  • Are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? Can you still plant after flowering?

    Are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? Can you still plant after flowering?

    Narcissus is one of the top ten famous flowers in our country, which is commonly known as Lingbo fairy. Every New year, people like to clear the supply of daffodils, embellished as New year flowers. So are daffodils and their bulbs poisonous? Is it possible to breed indoors? It can be planted after flowering.

    2020-11-09 Daffodils and their bulbs poisonous moth can indoor culture
  • How to keep succulent bulbs

    How to keep succulent bulbs

    How to keep succulent bulbs

  • Diseases and insect pests of daffodils and their control methods

    Diseases and insect pests of daffodils and their control methods

    Daffodils are common decorative flowers on desks and dining tables. Friends who plant daffodils all know that although daffodils are good-looking, daffodils are easily eroded by some diseases and insect pests in the process of culture. the main diseases and insect pests of daffodils are: daffodil leaf blight, brown spot, bulb base rot, daffodil stem nematode disease and so on.

  • When will the planting method of scallions be sown

    When will the planting method of scallions be sown

    It's the flowering season for scallions, which is really great, but how do you grow them in your own home? What are the methods? When will the seeds begin to sow? May and June is the season of spring onions, if you see clumps of tall and unique globular flowers in the garden

  • Lily selected bulbs and sterilized

    Lily selected bulbs and sterilized

    Before sowing, according to the natural growth of the bulbs, carefully separate the bulbs that grow together (a seed bulb can consist of 5 bulbs) with a bamboo knife or hand, and grade them according to their size. The big ones are sold, the small ones continue to breed, and the medium ones are planted. The size of the bulb varies according to the breed. Generally speaking, the diameter of the bulb varies according to the variety. The bulb with no diseases and insect pests, no damage, and no deformity should be selected as the bulb, and the original root system should not be damaged when separating the bulb. Disinfection method: benzene at 1RU 500

  • Common fungal diseases of Iris bulbosa and their control methods

    Common fungal diseases of Iris bulbosa and their control methods

    Bulb iris, also known as blue butterfly, Alice, its flowers are large and beautiful, and unique color, known as the rainbow goddess Alice. Iris bulb has strong adaptability to climate, but it can also cause diseases if it is not cared for. The editor has sorted out the more common fungal diseases of Iris bulb for you, if you are also interested

  • How to preserve tulip bulbs? Indoor nursing in the process of planting tulip bulbs

    How to preserve tulip bulbs? Indoor nursing in the process of planting tulip bulbs

    Tulip bulbs can't be planted at any time. Do you know how to preserve them? Do you want to know about it? Let's take a look at it together. Choose tulip bulbs for preservation. Tulips are not usually available for sale, so you probably need to prepare them.

    2019-04-17 Tulips bulbs how save plant process
  • How to cultivate potted tulips methods and matters needing attention in potted tulip culture

    How to cultivate potted tulips methods and matters needing attention in potted tulip culture

    Tulip is a very fragrant plant, it comes from the Netherlands, tulip this flower is very popular, it symbolizes fraternity, thoughtfulness, elegance, wealth, capable, smart, red tulips more represent a strong love, so how to raise potted tulips and tulips

    2020-11-08 Potted plants tulips how to raise culture methods and matters needing attention
  • Main Diseases and pests of Lily and their Control

    Main Diseases and pests of Lily and their Control

    After sowing, lilies need to be cultivated and managed for several years in order to obtain commercial bulbs that can be harvested. Generally, asexual reproduction is used to obtain seed balls, or seed propagation can be used to obtain seed balls first, and then seed balls are planted in the field to grow into commercial lilies through field management. The bulb is first cultivated into a small size of 50g and 100g with various breeding materials.

  • Common diseases and insect pests infecting tulips and their control measures

    Common diseases and insect pests infecting tulips and their control measures

    Tulips are native to the Mediterranean coast and central Asia, with Chinese names such as grass musk, red and blue flowers, peony lilies, lotus flowers, daffodils and so on. Plant height 30-50 cm; bulb oblate-conical, with brown skin; leaves 3-5; flowers solitary stem apex, large, erect, cup-shaped, base often black-purple; capsule, seeds flattened; natural florescence March-May, fruit maturity April-June. Tulip is a famous bulb flower, and its colorful patterns and colors are favored by the majority of visitors. However,

  • Introduction to how to raise succulent bulbs / main points of succulent bulb culture

    Introduction to how to raise succulent bulbs / main points of succulent bulb culture

    Introduction to how to raise succulent bulbs / main points of succulent bulb culture

  • A succulent plant with summer halo--light bulb

    A succulent plant with summer halo--light bulb

    As mentioned in the second article today, it is extremely difficult to raise more meat in summer. Then, is there any meat with its own summer halo? There are, like... light bulbs. don't laugh, it's a plant name. It looks like this: a light bulb. Picture...

  • Common diseases and insect pests of lily and their control methods

    Common diseases and insect pests of lily and their control methods

    Lily is native to our country. Distributed in southeast, southwest, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, there are wild and cultivated, mainly do cut flowers and decorate the garden for potted ornamental. Bulbs for edible and medicinal purposes, flowers contain aromatic oils as spices, fruits and so on. Cold-tolerant autumn planting scaly bulbous flowers. There are many cultivated varieties, and there are yellow, red, light red, miscellaneous colors in addition to white. First, in the middle and later stages of growth, the corms and roots are easy to be infected with root rot, showing bright dark brown rot spots on the stem base of the plant are prone to basic rot, which makes the leaves droop and turn yellow.

  • Meat cone light bulb how to maintain the best when it blossoms for several years

    Meat cone light bulb how to maintain the best when it blossoms for several years

    The meat cone light bulb is a plant of the genus Amygdalaceae. The surface of the plant is bright green and translucent, and it will blossom as long as the environment is right. How long does the meat cone light bulb bloom? the dormant period from May to September is the dormant period of the meat cone flower. After the dormancy period, the flower begins to grow and then blossoms, almost at the end of September and the beginning of October.

  • Culture methods and essentials of hydroponic hyacinth

    Culture methods and essentials of hydroponic hyacinth

    Hyacinth can be hydroponically cultured, and the flowering plants can be moved into special-shaped glassware and added with clear water. The roots, stems and leaves can be appreciated, elegant and clean, and can be placed anywhere in the room. 1, the water surface should be 1-2 cm away from the bulb, do not immerse the water at the bottom of the bulb; 2, the water temperature should not be too high

  • What to do with the latest daffodils after blooming?

    What to do with the latest daffodils after blooming?

    After the end of flowering, daffodils can be treated by taking out bulbs, letting the plants lose their growth vitality, cutting off water dormancy, continuing maintenance and so on. In fact, after the end of the daffodil bloom, good care can continue to bloom in the coming year.

    2020-11-10 The latest daffodils blooming finishing how to deal with daffodils flowers in
  • Bulb flowers need to grow balls first when they return to flowers.

    Bulb flowers need to grow balls first when they return to flowers.

    The flower bud formation of bulbous flowers is mostly stimulated by temperature difference. Most parts of our country have four distinct seasons of climate, without any stimulation, bulb flowers can be reflowered, that is to say, as long as a good ball, reflowering is sooner or later, a variety of bulbous flowers can be reflowered. So it comes down to-the point is to raise the ball well.

  • What are the breeding methods of flowers? The technique of split propagation of flowers

    What are the breeding methods of flowers? The technique of split propagation of flowers

    Split propagation is the main reproduction method of perennial flowers, which mainly includes ramet propagation and bulb reproduction. The editor will tell you more about it below.

  • How do you take care of the lilies after they bloom?

    How do you take care of the lilies after they bloom?

    How do you take care of the lilies after they bloom?
